PID Tuning Converter
The PID Tuning Converter converts PID Tuning values from a source control
system to another destination system. PID algorithms from all major control system vendors
are supported. This tool is very useful during control system migration.
Using this tool
Use of the tool is quite straightforward. Instructions are provided on the sheet.
To use the tool, choose the appropriate PID Algorithm settings from the drop down boxes. Enter controller names and tuning values for the source system and press the 'Convert' button to obtain the values for the destination system PID settings. The animated picture below shows a sample conversion from SERIES to PARALLEL algorithm. The destination controller uses Gain with integral and derivative times in seconds.
The details of controllers used in control systems is generally available from the vendor's manuals.
Drop down choices allow the user to specify the controller algorithms and other parameters for the source and destination controllers.
Control Algorithms can be chosen between "IDEAL", "PARALLEL" or "SERIES".
Gain can be chosen as Gain or Proportional Band.
Choices for integral action include Integral Time in seconds, milliseconds or minutes or Integral Gain as reciprocal seconds, reciprocal milliseconds or reciprocal minutes.
Choices for derivative action include Derivative time in milliseconds, seconds or minutes.
Notes on converting to SERIES algorithm
As the SERIES PID controller has derivative and integral parts in series, it is sometimes possible to have multiple options or no options when converting to this algorithm (if the derivative term is 0, there is a unique solution). If there are multiple solutions, both are shown in the tool, with the multiple solutions indicated by "M". An infeasible solution is also indicated when conversion is not possible.
See examples in the screenshot below.
Price: US $ 99 (licensed to a single user)
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